“If we change our fundamental metaphor for the education of children from a mechanical one to an organic one – in other words, from the manufacture of a product to the flowering and fruiting of a plant – then we begin to see that our role is not to rigidly control each step in the process, but to create the conditions – the soil, the water, the light – under which human brilliance may unfold and flourish”.
– Carol Black, Schooling the World
Strengths-Based Learning
Each child deserves to flourish, to be engaged in their learning but most of all to be happy and thrive. Too often than not, we have spent most of our lives trying to improve our weaknesses, when in fact a person’s greatest path to success is having well developed strengths. Research has shown that strength-based learning creates more engagement at work, more productivity in roles and generally happier and healthier people.
Children 10 years and older complete a strengths assessment and undergo strengths coaching. Strengths-based learning, which has its roots in positive psychology, is based on decades of research. The strength assessment is aimed at helping your child to identify and understand their natural talents. Following the assessment, children are coached to develop these unique talents empowering them to take ownership of their true potential. This journey equips students with self-development tools and assists them in growing and stretching their self-development and self-awareness.
Nature-Inspired Learning
At Akasha, we aim to ignite the fires of your child’s imagination through experiences in nature. It has been shown that there are multiple benefits to immersing young people in a natural environment, integrating learning with nature.
According to a recent 2019 study, nature improves children’s psychological and physical well-being and that in turn can impact learning. Interacting with nature also seems to positively affect concentration levels, as well as how young people engage with each other and those around them. As they explore the natural world, learning happens spontaneously with inventiveness and wonder.
Personalised Learning Journeys
Imagine a classroom that doesn’t have a ‘one-size fits all’ approach to education. Imagine a teacher who values and sees your child’s individual strengths, skills, needs and interests.
In our prepared environment, children have the flexibility to work on multiple levels. Reaching their current abilities, stretching their weaknesses and developing their strengths, allowing children to progress at their own rate. Curriculum outcomes are fashioned around your child’s interests. With the help of their Dream Team, your child’s learning is kept on track in order to meet curriculum standards.
Meaningful Relationships
Relationship-based learning listens to the stories of the learners as well as those of the collaborators. As we get to know our students, we are able to guide them and accompany them through their learning journey. We try to always collaborate with your child for a three year period, allowing us to gain an understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses, giving us the opportunity to grow and develop these areas.
We call our teachers collaborators, since we all learn and grow together. We all have something to offer to the community of children and adults around us, and as collaborators, we can work towards a common goal. At Akasha we believe that learning should be life-long and life-wide, recognising that learning occurs in real contexts and authentic settings.
Each collaborator stays with a group of children for three years, building meaningful relationships which are conducive to real learning.
The Dream Team
Every child at Akasha chooses their own Dream Team. The purpose of the Dream Team is to encourage and mentor students’ progress and mindset, creating accountability for their work. Each student’s Dream Team is created by the child, mostly consisting of their role models such as the child’s parents, tutors, grandparents and even older siblings.